2011. december 19., hétfő

Me & My Rumini - Flipbook

Finally! Dad did it! Kept his promise and created a flipbook version of my Rumini writeup. It's much better and nicer than i've expected it's like those fancy books on the net it's like turning real pages of a book and now it is my book and i'm very happy now. However i didn't quite like that much the book i wrote about actually but it's no a problemo for me cos last Friday with my class of 4.b as i mentioned in my last post we went to the theater and saw rumini on stage. a different rumini actually no mouse in it all played by humans and it was kind of cool i mean i liked it and think it was better than any of the rumini books. to bo frank with you i've only read 2 and a half of them so far so i might be wrong. Okay i can't type more cos we are about to go to iceskate. So see you later folks! LiLi out
Oh i forgot! You can check it out HERE! Big click if you're interested but i tell you it's in hungarian! well there are some old drawings of mine in it though. you may gonna find them funny for sure. maybe gonna be worth it. okay off i go and tell you i'm real real excited. 

2011. december 16., péntek

About the bird

Ticket to Ferrit Island
Today we went to the Hungarian Theater to see Rumini on the stage. our whole class. the 4.b. It was a surprise thing a reward for us having collected the most recyclable paper this year. only the parents were let into this but they kept mum about it and for now i wanted to post my write up about Rumini the book we've read this semester at school but dad said he was busy at the moment to help me out with this cos it's quite long and it'd be better to create a flipping book out of it but we don't have the tool so he must search it on the net. he suggested posting something about animals this time it might have been of birdies.
I'm the nightingale and talking to a silly parrot
Actually it is a good topic. i even played a nightingale in a puppetshow in english camp this summer i mean i was a puppeteer and beside the nightingale i played one more role in that very same play but i can't remember now which it was. i like birds. for example crows have arrived at szentendre. they are like thick kinda birds you sure know they are like grazing through the town and parks picking up any kind of things they could find sometimes it's very funny as they try to crack up things like lost toys and things like that. At early dawn i saw a crow on the top of  a tall tree singing in a cracked voice and the bird was alone and lonely and me on my way to school i mean rorate but I found that voice nice in that greyness of the morning and however was real harsh but it sounded kinda clear too cos there was no sound only his and no cars no wind no barking, no people, no buzzing only that crow singing and i think it was nice. maybe sad too but it may be only cos of that awful smell of this early winter you know that chimney smell right? it was like the first bird in town after santa had gone home. oh and i've started to work on a picture of santa as a young boy.

Mother jay...
That moth I was talking about
okay and now it just comes to my mind that a few days ago i wrote of the szender of our garden or you might call it hummingbird hawkmoth. i don't know if it's correct or not it's on the wikipedia. Well not a bird but the most beautiful birdlike moth. anyway i found a picture of it on mom's computer and it was taken by her this summer in our garden and i just thought i'd share it and i bumped into our jays too that had invaded our place and killed lots of baby blackbirds. we saw lots of fight and blackbirds hardly won. this picture dad took shows some youngsters waiting by our pond for their parents to come back from hunting i think they were being taught they are quite nice i guess i like birds of this size. crows and jays. of course you could add here the pigeon i saved and mentioned in an older post of mine and all the penguins I've ever happened to draw and I tell you I've drawn a real lot. 
...and the sons

oh and you know what? i like elmo singing elmo's song which is big bird's song too. and that's really lovely makes me dance and sing along. oh you must see it!

and one real funny pal is peter griffin. dad likes it too and sometimes when he watches it on comedy central and mom's taking a bath he lets me join for some funny parts and one of my favourite is peter singing bird is the word surfing birds peter gonna tell you about the birds it's just so mad and insane and funny that bird dance i just love it and laugh it when i'm allowed to watch it.

oh i've got a lot in mind of birds see? if i had a couple of more minutes for blogging i could write a lot more but i'm ordered to go and take a shower so have to say see you later and hopefully with my rumini book having been posted. bye!

2011. december 14., szerda


God protect us

Nem tudhatom, hogy másnak e tájék mit jelent,

…az otthonom. Itt áll a ház, amiben lakom apával és anyával. A kutyám is itt él velünk. Kacinak hívják. Aztán lakik még két nyúl is kint a kertben, a kiszáradt orgonabokor alatt. Tavunk is van. Aranyhalak, békák és háton úszó poloskák osztoznak rajta. Nyáron gyakori vendég a szender és a százszínű szitakötő. Az udvarban hatalmas, rigófüttyös fenyőfák állnak. Hónuk alatt egy szelíd cseresznyefa, rajta a mókus törzsvendég. Aztán van még fügénk is, csak pici még. Kertünk körül fagyalból van a sövény. Kapunk viszont nincsen. Csak a helye. Ide hozza nekem a levelet a postás. A ház címe: "Szentendre, Otelló köz 6 szám".
Ha kimerészkedem a közből, a Csabagyöngyére jutok. Innen meredek kaptató fut az imaházig. Olyan meredek, hogy a biciklit félúttól már anyának is tolni kell. Ha pedig fentről visszanézek, látom lent a háztetőnket. A távolban dimbes-dombos a táj. A térkép szerint arra van Dobogó-kő és Visegrád. Én azonban a Kálvária felé járok. Arra visz az út az iskolámhoz. Ha sietős, a fogászatnál átvágok. Innen gyökérlépcső fut a Bükkösig. Abban szákkal fogtunk egyszer egy csukát is, meg aranyhalat, sánta rákot, puszta kézzel vízisiklót, volt vagy másfél méteres. Egy japán turista még le is fényképezett. A jobb parton piacozni szoktak. Ha lejövünk, mindig veszünk kürtőskalácsot. Kakaósat. A patak bal partján, szemben a piaccal áll a régi óvodám. Mögötte, a Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Endre utca 4. alatt van az iskola. Úgy hívják, hogy Szent András. Oda járok minden hétköznap reggel fél nyolcra. Illetve, hadd pontosítsak! Most december van, roráté, ezért első utam hajnali misére a templomba vezet. A Péter-Pálba. Mert az az én templomom. Az én Istenem háza. Vasárnaponként is itt hallgatjuk a misét. Mise után pedig pitát veszünk a töröknél. Persze van még itt könyvtár, Spar és orvosi rendelő, HÉV állomás, éttermek, terek, utcák, meg a Duna. Nem is folytatom. A sor igen hosszúra nyúlna. A lényeg az, hogy nekem ez mind a Haza. Aztán, ha vonatra ülök és Kaposvárig zötyögök, akkor is csak hazajövök. Mert engem ott is egy otthon vár. Ott lakik az egyik nagymamám s nagypapám. De Mernyére sem idegenbe megyek. Ott a másik két nagyszülőm és egy dédi vár. 
Hát ilyen nagy az én kis hazám.

okay that's mainly the reason that i couldn't check in yesterday. had a lot of homework even had to write 2 esseys, one of our future school and one about my homeland you could read above about what it means to me. to write about the future was a fun thing i laughed a lot while making. the homeland piece started like real difficult i mean what is homeland really? and how should i feel about it. dad said don't bother with big things and just write about places i could call home and that gonna cover the whole point of the task. to help me understand what he meant he showed me a poem called Nem tudhatom by a poet named Radnóti i've never heard of him before but there're a few translations of the poem here. I can't say it is a personal favourite and some parts were kind of confusing to me but dad told me to concentrate how the poet seems to feel of certain things, details, things that others might consider insignificant and i found some lines quite nice this one for example and now i'll repeat what the poet said word for word: 
and what is targeted as rail or factory
is just a lineman by his signal-box to me,
and children watch him wave his red flag for the guard,
and sheepdogs roll and tumble in the foundry yard;
that's kinda nice i think, imagine that komondor rolling and tumbling. Komondor is a huge dog, real big and it's like a giant turning that somersault. i copied the whole essey cos i like it cos it's really me and it sounds like poem and i like to read it out lout but only in hungarian cos it didn't sound that interesting and funny and playful in english at all. 

At my first communion
And here's some little something about that we are right in the middle of the advent calendar and christmas eve's really nearing. and every morning i get up real early at 5.45 am and go to church cos it's rorate and it is something that's almost the most peaceful thing i can imagine. Oh i've totally forgot to tell you about my first reception of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. it was several months ago actually. we practiced a lot in school in religion class and in the end it was a big thing truely said. after that even the church seems a lot smaller and more comfortable and everything is so close to me now. here i am on the left at my first communion.

but i must confess sometimes it's not that easy to keep all those rules. after a wrongdoing i had to write an essey of how to behave at church. it was all cos I was playing with a tissue during mass not paying attention and the teachers caught me on the act. i think it was before my first communion. that's my essey below. it had to be at least 1 page! my appology was accepted but Lizie had to write another one cos it was found to be not honest enough. but mine is here if you were interested (in hungarian cos it's too long for now to translate):

Hogyan kell viselkedni a templomban
(Pásztohy Lili bünti írása)

Ma, 2011. május másodikán reggel az iskolamisén megtéptem egy papírzsepit. Nem tudok felhozni semmit a mentségemre. Tudom, nem cselekedtem helyesen. Őszintén sajnálom. Megbántam. Ezzel a fogalmazással is szeretnék bocsánatot kérni Szilvi nénitől, Marcsi nénitől és azoktól az osztálytársaimtól, akik rendben végighallgatták a szent misét. Persze, az atyától és a ministránsoktól is. Szóval mindenkitől. Istent most nem írom ide, mert neki már elmondtam délután a templomajtóban, míg apa, anya és Márta, a mamám a sarkon beszélgettek és nyalták a fagyijukat. Odabent miséztek, és égtek a gyertyák, és olyan nyugalmas volt. Az az igazság, hogy eközben egy kicsit furán is éreztem magam, mert a hátam mögött, a téren László atya éppen egy öreg bácsival beszélgetett, és az egésztől annyira összezavarodtam, hogy köszönés nélkül jöttem el, amikor apa kiáltott, hogy "Lili, most már mennünk kellene, mert a Márta lekési a HÉV-et!". A templom sarkánál apa megkérdezte, hogy köszöntem-e az atyának, és én bevallottam, hogy nem, de rögtön hozzá tettem azt is, hogy emiatt nagyon rosszul érzem magam, de nem bírtam rávenni a lábaimat, hogy visszavigyenek a templom elé.
A rossz dolgaim így rakódtak szép rendben a vállamra, és nem igazán tudtam, hogy könnyíthetnék a lelkiismeretemen. Ó, és azt el sem mondtam, hogy mikor annál a fagyizónál jártunk, ahol lapáttal mérik a fagyit, és lehet felesben is kérni a gombócot, leesett a kis kereszt a láncomról. Akkor már tudtam, hogy nagy a baj…
Ekkor mondtam el anyuéknak, hogy mi történt reggel a templomban. Azt, hogy a Marcsi nénitől kapott papír zsebkendőt megtéptem, amit a Szilvi néni mérgesen elvett tőlem. Elvette Aliztól és Katától is. Azt is elmeséltem, hogy én nem is téptem meg annyira, mint a barátnőim, és hogy talán nem is én voltam a fő kolompos, de apa ezt nem akarta végig hallgatni, mert szerinte nem a tépkedés miatt kell bűnhődnöm. Mire én: "De, de, a Szilvi néni mondta!". Meg, hogy ezt az írást, aminek minimum egy oldalt kell kitennie, pont ezért rótták ki ránk, mert a templomban, a mise alatt nem tépkedjük csíkokra a papírzsepit, és apát az sem érdekelte, hogy én igazából csak egyetlen csíkot téptem belőle, azt is rögtön eldugtam a nadrágom zsebébe. Ki is vettem, és meg is mutattam neki! De apa csak arra volt kíváncsi, hogy miről beszélt a pap a templomban, és nekem akkor őszintén be kellett vallanom, hogy nem tudom. Annyira sem emlékeztem az egészből, mint egy hörcsögfarok, márpedig az igen pirinyóka, és csak akkor látszik, amikor nyújtózkodik a jószág. Szóval, igen, nem figyeltem. Nem emlékszem semmire, csak a zsepire, és hogy milyen jó lett volna aludni egy kicsit, vagy valahol máshol lenni. És hogy bárcsak lenne egy igazi kutyusom. Vagy hogy az ebnevelde.hu-n jó lenne egy hatodik kutya is, de az már ötven aranycsont, úgyhogy inkább mégse kell. Pedig én szeretek templomba járni, őszintén írom. De ma reggel valahogy nem volt olyan, mint máskor. Mint vasárnap reggelente anyával és apával. Bár apa a legutóbbi három vasárnapot kihagyta! És, apuci, ez azért rosszaság, mert egyszer például azért nem jöttél, mert a tévében nézted a forma 1-et! Jó, tudom, most megint másról beszélek, és nem az én dolgaimról. Bocsi!
Egy szó, mint száz, helytelenül viselkedtem, és ígérem, igyekszem jóvá tenni. Odafigyelni a pap szavára, és tanulni belőle. És még ideírom magamnak azt is, hogy nem szabad beszélgetni, másokat zavarni, mert a templom azért is van, hogy aki oda belép könnyebben találjon utat Istenhez, és ebbe senki sem rondíthat bele például zsebkendőszaggatással. Meg aztán senki se nézelődjön csak úgy a nagyvilágba. Figyelmünkkel tiszteljük meg az atyát, aki segít eljutni az igaz és helyes dolgokhoz. Nagy hirtelen ezek jutottak eszembe a megfelelő templomi viselkedésről. Az én lelkiismeretem megkönnyebbült, hogy ezt leírtam. Igyekszem jobb lenni és jónak maradni. Apa pedig megígérte, hogy reggelre megjavítja a kis keresztemet.

But i don't wanna sound sad now or something cos i'm really not and before leaving let me share this picture of me with my handful advent wreath. so tiny and so nice and 3 of its 4 tiny candles have already lit. it's not a traditional advent wreath you see. evergreen but made of metal and the fourth candle supposed to be rose. but i feel like it comes from my very heart and soul.
It feels like holding a warm and fragile
babybird in your hands

2011. december 12., hétfő


Victor looking like Edward
After finally I got the chance to watch the first 3 films of the Twilight saga a couple of weeks ago yesterday Zsófi and me had a look at the 4th one cos Zsófi's father has it on his laptop. the quality was real bad i mean i could hear some laughing and even people were chatting in the background so it wasn't a good one but i just couldn't resist the whole thing is so thrilling all the movies though we didn't watch this last one from the beginning to the end cos Zsófi had already seen it and she jumped through the boring scenes. not a big deal i'm gonna go to the movies and watch it again with my parents. They were a bit upset about me watching the film and they were not knowing about it but i said they'd just let me see the first 3 so i tought they might be okay with me watching it without them watching it first. and dad said we'd go to the cinema and watch it on big screen cos it'd be much cooler so i can't wait. for the last couple of weeks I've been a big twilight fan. My favourit is alice's character and  Jacob. i know from dóri that he was sharkboy in that other movie. Edward is kind of i don't know i think jacob is more handsome. i can't post any drawings of him only of Edward. Actually i drew it several months ago and it is not edward at all but i think it could be. he is victor from corpse bride which is another excellent movie i used to watch louds of times. i didn't finish it cos i thought it was a failed one but now it just resembles edward very much this paleness very much of a vampire. as mom and i were about to go off to ice skate i told dad that i wish i were a vampire but dad said rather not. and this is my favourite vampire song and it's of antsy pants and without that fword in the clip it'd be a perfect match. 

2011. december 11., vasárnap


When blue is out of reach...

Actually i've got lots of idea of separation. I consider it as an easy task to do. The one above was drawn after I'd seen Grrramone Williebaronet's interpretation of his giant being separeted from his own reflection in the mirror. My white giant doesn't need mirror to know it's a white giant. in his mirror everything is just pure white anyway but this white giant of mine sometimes when its eyes are closed feels that there is something not white outside somewhere i mean it doesn't call it a certain color cos in its world all exists in white even his mind works in white but when its eyelids are down this whiteness weakens and something else can be sensed so that's one thing that makes my giant being feel separated.   

Okay i've got here something called love or attachment don't know how to translate the title of this poem my great grandpa wrote about a pear that grew ripe and fell to the ground and the twig felt relief to be relieved of its burden but then the lack of its load became to grow into a void inside and now that the hailstorm have broke it off the tree and the little twig's lying beneath beside the pear can feel real relief.  

I drew the pear and mom put on the colors and set off the outlines and it really looks nicer and we gave this to great grandpa for christmas like 4 or 5 years ago. i think he was 80 or 85 at that time. i don't know he's very old. My original drawing was made a couple of years earlier though. I was not even a kindergartener i guess.

Okay and this last one I promised willie to post and it is a cartoon we made together mom and dad and me and it's called rainbow bunny. We drew it together. sure it is obvious which part was my work. okay some help. the hedgehog and the typing was put down by father so the biggest part was mom's and mine. don't know how the story came probably was created by the three of us of a lost rainbow bunny. actually in hungarian the story sounds much better. i mean rainbow bunny is not the proper word for Szivárványos Musz-musz. hope you'll enjoy it as much as i do.  

2011. december 9., péntek

Illness, Music & St. Lucy

good day everybody! it’s 9th of December. time crawls real slow and to top it all I’ve been ill since Wednesday and when I’m saying ill I really mean it. We’ve just got back from the doc’s and i’m ordered to stay in bed through the next couple of days and there’s some real ugly pills to take too. and it’s sad cos I gonna miss st. Lucy’s day at school where this day is a fun market day and if I wasn’t that ill I could have carried my self-made goods to the school fair too. you know the big gym is the marketplace for this day where all students are allowed to sell and buy their own handmade stuffs during the breaks. great fun actually and I was going to present my self-designed lollypops but it is not gonna happen. (to see some of my last year's goodies click back here!) So here are 2 pictures one of them was taken on last year’s lucy eve and the other on the eve a year earlier when I was a second grader and on that pic I’m wearing a traditional kind of national costume (sweater is not part of that!) cos there is this folk custom on st lucy’s day you know accompanied by some singing and acting and I was part of that too.  
But I’ve got here something cooler too mom showed me on youtube and it’s really great. a girl like me at my age singing rolling in the deep with her brothers and it’s so cool and I wish I could sing that way but this song is really hard to sing right. you know what watch it now and I gonna go on with my story after that…
How was it? Hard to tell anything right? Lilla my best friend ever during our kindergarten years told me when she stayed here for a sleepover a few weeks ago it’s not a big deal she could have made it but I don’t think so. She’s just jealous but it’s okay. still love her. to be honest I’ve been trying to sing it constantly with no success. I’d like to study rock singing. but here at school we only do folk songs which is not a bad thing at all but it’d be great to learn rolling in the deep as well.
talking of folk songs I proudly tell you that I was picked to participate at a singing contest presented by my music school and we had to sing 2 Hungarian folk songs in front of the jury and it went well however my performance wasn’t perfect enough to get a prize. but all of the participants got a nice  certificate. I scanned it and the noted folk song on it was collected by Kodály something like 100 years ago and it is his handwriting.
Oh and finally mom and dad allowed me to present here my first ever violin performance on stage which is very funny for me to watch now and I tell you it really gives me that pink flush over my cheeks but I’m proud of it at the same time. It took place something like 3 years ago and there was santa in town and I played in front of him. Just imagine!

the truth is I’d have liked to play the guitar but there was no guitar class launched at that time so I play the violin. actually dad found a private guitar player for me but he was a man and I saw him playing in his band in that summer and he made those faces while playing and it was quite strange so I said no but now I regret to have turned him down. But you know I was just a kindergartener. but I have my guitar and I remember the time it was bought and as we got home I started to play it in our garden at that very moment. Here it is. I attached the video here but I just hardly can watch myself it’s a bit embarrassing but I can deal with it and hey it’s fun right?


2011. december 8., csütörtök

Brigade - The Chickens

The Chickens
Alize, Juli and me, Lili
hey guys finally it’s done. I thought I’d not come up with any material for brigade cos the hours were ticking away fast and now I got it. our brigade. the Chickens. it’s a school thing. There is this competition, a general thing – math, grammar, literature, and so on all in one quite a thick pile of paper to fill out month after month during this semester I tell you, so here’s this competition open to elementary students and all of these students of our grade level form 3 piece teams at their school to work together on these papers. So our team was named by Juli and we became The Chickens. I think it’s quite a brigade and I drew here a lettering piece our names and it is inspired by williebaronet (again and again) and I put our pictures below my williewritings matched by our names. First I wanted to use other pictures of us but mom said we were not allowed without the permissions of Juli’s and Aliez’s mother so she helped me to make them unidentifiable by using her photoshop. So that’s the story behind my picture. hope you’ll like it. bye lili out!

2011. december 7., szerda

More about me and animals

Okay! More about me and the animals. I love most of them. Some I like more and some I like even more than that. Most I love is dog.
My Kaci sleeps most of the time
Any kind of dog but big playful dogs like Rottweilers beat all of the others. Zeno down the road for example. He’s a dear pet and extremely good at fetching. Once stole my sandwich though. Unfortunately we don’t have garden big enough to keep one that big so we picked Kaci or maybe she picked us I’m no sure. not plays much. mostly just sleeps. but still a good buddy. can’t do tricks but I’m okay with that.

Gala in Paris
Checking out Idéfix
Love my bear as well. you know Galagonya Úr? I’ve already mentioned him, right? Mr. Hawthorn. kind of a teddy bear. with me for ages. guess a half year younger than me. on my phone there’s an application that switches things from positive to negative and I figured it out that all the living things appear on the screen in a warm color and guess what! Mister Hawthorn’s color turns into this and it was really a surprise I mean I’d kinda known or felt that he has a living soul but that was something like a real proof and mom said hey that’s something! I asked Jesus for a warm coat for him for Christmas.
We couldn't save her
Love penguins as well. Have drawn a lot. e. g. here. A macaroni / royal. Quite a good one I think. and yesterday I told you how to help them protect them from that oil mass. And of course bats. Once mom and me while walking Kaci found a bat creeping on the road. He was black and small like a matchbox. and wounded and we tried to save him took him home made him comfy called the vet too who gave him injection but passed away by morning. Oh and this summer tried to save a beautiful Aesculapian snake too but all in vain. It was sad cos pedestrians were screaming at it and kicked it like mad. The snake’d already made it cross the road however badly wounded but on the pavement it got trapped and all the people went berserk and we took it home but died shortly after on the grass. coughed up blood. it was really sad and quiet I mean the moment it passed away. we were around and helped her through. I think the snake was a lady. and we buried her by the hawthorn in our garden and was laid like a crescent hugging the tree. Oh but there's someone I did save! we found a carrier pigeon down by the Bükkös creak in really bad shape. barely could stand so we took him home. he was ringed and we checked his registered number in an online database then in no minute we got his owner and called him and told us to leave it alone cos it probably just hit a pole or something and in a couple of hours it will be good. So we took the pigeon up to the attic opened a window and gave him seeds and water. it was a safe place to get through the night with no cats or dogs around and next morning when we went up to see how he was doing he was sitting by the open window ready to take off. here is the picture we'd taken of him minutes before he  left us for good.
Before leaving he looked back to say thanks
"I'd like to save animals."
I guess I like all living creatures. and help them protect them and I tell you there’s a lot to do in a city like mine. I’d like to be a vet. maybe in Texas. I saw their rescue team on the telly. they do a lot saved a lot of animals. Mom likes my future plans and kind of pride of that and shared this homework of mine on the net (maybe you have to click on like if you wanna see mom said but it's in hungarian so you don't really need to follow that link) and said many people liked it and they were proud of me too which is good I think cos it shows that lots of people think of this the way I do and I think I’m right about it.

Anyaros' cows and a 3 days old baby calf
I don’t like hunting very much. I know there are places where it is a must do thing to survive and I like salami and that kind of goodies but also feel pity for the prey. I’m not a hunter type and think I can’t harm a living thing but I consider hunting to be a better choice than keeping animals like cows and the likes in those big farms as slaves waiting to be killed. I don’t know. Grandpa Anyaros has a lot of cows they are kept for milk. one of them even a prize winner. she’s a huge one. they have a wide open field for wandering but must spend lots of time in a big barn where they’re surrounded by bar gates and there being born as a bull is not much of any kind of luck. calves can’t stay with their moms too long and most of the male ones only live a few weeks then they become liver paste and things like that. Anyaros says that’s the way it goes cos people must eat meat too and the earth is a very crowded place with lots of hungry stomachs needed to be filled.  And I must confess that I like those salamis and things but if I could I’d save all of the calves too. well I can’t but I always hug and kiss them whenever I’m down there.

Poor boar...
Last weekend dad took me to a pig killing which is an old tradition around here. this one lasted a couple of days but we managed to get there on the second day cos the day before I had a violin concert with our string orchestra. there were a domestic pig and a wild boar too. when we arrived those two were in pieces and the sausage filling was about to happen in which I took part and kind of enjoyed it. that raw meat was quite tasty actually but those sausages will have to be put in the smoking chamber and other things were buried in salt. I had a closer look at the boar’s boiled skull and took out some of the teeth out of which I gonna make something nice maybe a necklace. I don’t know. Mom couldn’t come but later I told her the whole story which kinda made her sad I think cos she wept a bit over the death of those animals but I hugged her and told her that they died instantly and gave us a lot to eat through the winter through the year and it’s much more delicious than those wrapped up things at the mall. so I think it was worth it and actually I had a real good time with my cousins.
One of my cousine and me
This gonna be a real tasty sausage

Okay I wrote that much cos tomorrow I probably won’t have the time and I still have to come up with something for illustration Friday. brigade is the word. oh and I couldn’t manage to create Kaci’s hat yesterday and I think gonna put it off for a while. and by the way santa put lots of chocolate in my boots even a cute little teddy bear was found so I think I’ve been good this year and I promise to write a lot in my blog. okay that’s all for now about me and the animals. See you later. Who knows? might be tomorrow…

2011. december 6., kedd

Kaci & me

hey, have i mentioned that I’ve got a dog? I have one! She’s been around since summer and is adopted from the Noah's Ark Animal Shelter Foundation. It’s a Yorkshire terrier similar in appearance to a dwarflike fox. we gave her the name Kacifánt. No sure how to translate it. my dictionary says convolution is the right word but it sounds a bit grrr to me I mean pronouncing it feels like there’s no heart in it so but she can be called Kacat too which is jumble in English if I’m right but anyway we just call her Kaci for short.  it’s all cos at the beginning she was kinda hard to figure out and looked very shabby and unkempt and shy and full of fears. No sure how old she is. I guess old. very old. and so tiny and loveable and has a coat too but hardly enjoy socializing with other dogs. Not really. rather likes sticking with us her new pack even though she’s not that kind of outdoor type. Hates rain and winter and smoke and prams but what she loves more than anything else is mom. there’s a bond and that is plain as the nose on your face I mean it is that obvious but I’m not jealous cos she licks my fingers all the same. little stinky but we are still happy to have her around at last. Okay. you might be curious why I’m writing all of this post about Kaci right now. Well, it’s cos I am busy designing her warm santa hat. I’ve got some idea but no sure what to do with those ears. I’ve already made a couple of sketches (I scanned a page you can see here below) and actually sawed a prototype with no success. to be frank dogs ain’t like this kind of gear. coat seems okay and useful hat doesn’t. nevertheless I decided to make one for santa which is tonight. maybe she’ll change her mind and wear it sometimes. no pressure though. anyway it could come in handy. for example do you remember those penguins trapped by that leaking oil tanker? poor things trying to get rid of that deadly poison using their beak but were not able to without swallowing part of it which is the end for a feathery thing like a penguin. but good people from all around the world knitted little survivor suits to protect the birds until the rescue teams managed to wash that oil off one by one. seen the pictures of those queuing penguins dressed in those fancy knitted gears waiting for being washed? well that was really heartwarming. I wish I’d knit. grandma can. I think I’m gonna give it a try. Well lots of words for a day. guess that is enough. hope you are okay with them. See you later. Bye!

2011. december 1., csütörtök

Round - Sorry to keep you waiting...

I know it’s already December that’s more or less the start of winter up here in the northern hemisphere and I haven’t written much since summer though lots of things happened but haven’t felt like typing in the stories. you know school and stuff and found some other interesting things to spare my free time for too. I’m into farmerama right now. I'm not that obsessed kind of farmerama fan but i like to check in daily and it's fun cos i do it with my mom. she helps while I’m in school. we’re at level 22! Anyway been kind of busy these days weeks well months and see? it’s winter and dad said it was a shame you know, me to let you down stop checking you out your blog life. and now I really miss andy willy and all of you so I made a promise to type in my days from now on and have a look at your stuffs as well at least once in every single week and gonna click on illustration Friday too and if it was no enough I’ll tell you about the past 3 or 4 months of my life too in the forthcoming days. okay tomorrow I’m gonna start till then I’ve to sort out all the things have happened to me lately and might be interesting to put them down here. Right! so in this post I told you about this farmerama thing. if you play it too we could be neighbors in case you’d like to. I’m -lilike2- that’s my username. don’t forget the dashes! okay what else?... hm… well it may be enough for now. this evening I might come back and write some more and now I’ll go and find a picture to show you how I’m doing. see you! LiLi out  

This was actually an easy thing to draw. I got the tool out of a magic kinder egg you know that right? that chocolate egg with a gizmo toy in it. so in this kinder egg grandpa András gave me i found this drawing tool. a pen or pencil has to be placed in one of the holes on the frame and move it round in circle and it forms this kind of shapelike netlike endless line curving right round crossing itself. i guess it's a loop. it can be much thicker than this one and that'd look almost like no lines to be seen only a fully painted disk. in this case i drew only a loose loop and made it smile. very much like me.

2011. szeptember 4., vasárnap

Last Day of Summer

it's no that sad actually and hey i am back here at last and got a lot to say but you have to wait a bit more bye now LiLi out

2011. május 18., szerda

It's about Kim!

you just won't belive it what happened to me. ready? okey here are the facts. morning half past 6 i woke up. okey forced my eyelids open daddy singing stole my blanket it was cold then mum came with the hot chocolate i hate mornings i tell you okey and then i had to dress put on socks and stuff and then my turn in the bathroom teeth and face and the likes and then it happened there was it hiding on my messy desk among the things i've not been able to get rid of but that was special cos that was a box from FLORIDA!!! florida's in the usa you know so so far from here. oh my first parcel from a blogfriend. and this blogfriend of mine is kim who happens to be a soggy dog in florida wow this is the first time and i am so happy and excited and i cant wait 2 and a half more hours for opening it but i have to cos first comes my violin lesson and this time i'm gonna be accompanied on the piano too and i'd have known my piece by heart by now but i don't but the point is i got this box from florida and i'm very very happy oh and kim is the girl who won my contest months ago along with the artist and illustrator adrew finnie from australia and an other girl apple but she didn't told me her adress cos she needed more time to know and gave me the adress and i think i'm gonna give that declined parcel away i think my pick might be symphaty for devil (brrrr) indra who's never felt the snow or maybe willie baronet who is rrramone or jack. i don't know yet. kim was the first who got the parcel cos i read her comment and i knew from that cos she wrote it as well that she has something for me cos i made her smile. So a couple of hours and we will see and smile! Oh no picture this time from here i can't manage but later on i'll took some and post some here bye LiLi out have to go bye    

2011. május 17., kedd

Safari disco

Hi everybody! I've just checked our last friday word which is safari and i have to admit that i am one of the keenest supporters of all kinds of safari things and this month issue of the nat geo kids has a lot on Linger which is the tiger lion hybrid and other interesting stuff. but anyway my piece is not that huge i made it at a creative workshop for kids held by cellux art group and the girl is one of mum's friend from the university and for my project we used only recycled things and some other out of the litter bin goodies and it was great fun to do and i made among other things this picture card collage named forest disco but now it really seems to be a 100 % safari piece with my monkeys, right? 

oh and talking of monkeys! we have this dear old baboon retired from a circus but now she's in the chains and a rickety shack providing shelter from our outside world and she's a bit fatty and not moving that much just sitting there and it's much sadder than it might sound now i tell you. But there is this noé állatotthon alapítvány who wants to do some good things for her and you can do your part too offering things for which others can bid money so we together can bild her loveshack a bit of safari out of our heart. so far there's only our piece to bid for and he is a tarsier mum made but you can bid for other things in favour of other animals in need. So it's up to you too think of it. click here to see linda and click here if you can help.

2011. május 16., hétfő

From now I'm a NatGeo Kids drawing contest winner!

It's on the last page of the may issue of the magazin and i'm very proud of it cos it's the first time and now i'm 1 of 10 whose drawings were found good enough to be published. oh and my prize! But before that i've to tell you about the competition which was about circus and i sent my old drawing of the tightrope dancer among the stars who's trying to reach out to the moon. you've already known that one haven't you? so for that I've got 2 books one of them a circus story but that book i'd already have and that's an other story cos last year i was at the palace of arts which is in Budapest and there was that exhibition and my mum's painting on the wall too and there was lots of activities for children and ági szalóki's concert which was totally cool and it was gingalló you must google it and there were lots of children's book writers and illustrators and there they showed us their new books and they talked of them and they asked us questions and i answered one of them so i got the book. and that was the book i won at the nat geo kids' circus competition. See, i got the same book as a year before and i didn't want to keep both of them so i deceided to give the second copy to my classmates and it is now on a shelf in my classroom. Oh and not only the tightrope dancer drawing i sent but wrote a story about my circus too. and i almost forgot that i also won a deck of cards. so that's all for now. and i'm sorry that i've not been around so often these days but I've been given a lot of homework, exercises, papers recently. okey bye LiLi out

oh and here is a photo of me and a clown (there were lots of clowns around there, lots of fun) and módra ildikó i mean ildikó módra who wrote the story of Trapp and trapp is a horse who had a decent job in the circus but his circus went bankrupt and closed down and the horse had to find his own way of living through lots of adventure. So that is me picked out of the audience answering the question and bingo got the book.

and the illustrator who was there too though not pictured here drew me in it. It is Trapp. Nice right? I'll show you below. 

okey one last thing. for the competition attached to my tightrope dancer drawing i sent my own story of a circus adventure of mine. i share it with you too now but it's in hungarian i'm no in the mood for translating it and it's over 8 o'clock have to go to bed and a lot of exams ahead this week gonna be kind of rough or something like that you know what i mean well read if you can here it is:

A cirkusz
Ó, a Cirkusz! Nagyon szeretem. Amikor Szentendrén jár a vándorcirkusz, mindig megnézem őket. Pedig nincs is igazi oroszlánjuk és tigrisük, ahogy azt a plakáton mutatják, és Piroska, a légtornászlány sem úgy néz ki a valóságban, mint azon a hirdetőtáblán a Kaiser's mellett. De engem nem zavar. Szeretek cirkuszba járni. Jó a szaga. És lehet izgulni, hogy vajon a késdobáló most az én apukámat választja-e ki a közönségből a nagy mutatványához.
Egy szó, mint száz, idén tavasszal is jöttek, mi pedig természetesen elmentünk. Apa meg én. Az első sorba ültünk le. Rajtunk kívül csak egy szomorú bácsika üldögélt a nézőtéren. Egész előadás alatt csak sóhajtozott, hogy hajajj, meg ejnye. Mikor apa elment nekem perecért, gondoltam, megkérdem már tőle, miért lógatja annyira az orrát. Azt mondta, hogy ő a bohóc, de már jó ideje senki sem nevet rajta. Úgyhogy már ki sem megy a porondra. Nagyon megsajnáltam. A cirkusz bohóc nélkül nem is cirkusz! 
No, amikor apa visszatért a büféből, mondtam neki, hogy tartsa a perecet, amíg kimegyek a mosdóba. De nem oda mentem ám! Csak hátra, a sátor sarkába. Ott aztán előhúztam a zsebemből a piros krumpliorrom, felhelyeztem és elkiáltottam magam:
- Itt van, megjött Lili bohóc!
Na, erre mindenki nagyot nézett. A zenekar elhallgatott, a pudliparádé abbahagyta a parádézást a porondon. Én ekkor odacsámpáztam a nagyon szomorú öreg bácsikához, mélyen a szemébe néztem, és azt mondtam:
- Csiribú, csiribá, nevess te záptojás!
Egy darabig csak nézett, aztán lassan elkezdett mosolyogni. De úgy ám, mint az igazi bohócok, akiknek az egyik szeme mindig sír, a másik pedig nevet. S amikor már igazán bohócosan csillogott az arca, felkötöttem neki a krumpli orromat, és odasúgtam a fülébe:
- Most légy te a bohóc!
Hiszed, vagy sem, így lett az én vándorcirkuszomnak újra bohóca, és attól a naptól kezdve az előadásokon a sátor majd kipukkadt a nevetéstől.

2011. április 1., péntek

I feel bad and sure you know why so I'd like to offer my apology for the delay and the absence

A couple of weeks earlier I thought I'd never come back here coz I felt so bad about not keeping my promise and there are at least three blog friends of mine having been waiting for me to show up or well those parcels for months and now I really feel oh I don't know how and dad said if I was gonna write some letters everything'd be back on the old funny track and now as I'm writing again it feels sure better now and the three packages with the things you won are ready to post. Promise I didn't want to get away with it I'm not that kind of girl I just said to myself day after day okay next monday okay next week okay tomorrow oh my God I totally forgot but I'll do it after school and so on and on and on and see I'm here and the job's still not done. So please forgive me and tomorrow afternoon after Ajsa's birthday party I'll sit down and type in more details about the last three months too coz lots of things just happened and lots of drawings have been drawn since. But bye for now and here is a little snippet of what's in those boxes. It's like a peekaboo and you have to find me or okay I'd like it if you found me and were still interested. So see you later! LiLi out!

2011. január 3., hétfő

Resolution - from january 3

well i made only one new year's resolution to decrease the amount of chocolate i eat i mean i should and not cos of my teeth i brush them twice a day and no decay so far though gonna need braces but my getting roundish belly. no big deal though i mean i hate making this kind of resolutions but who knows maybe it'll work right?
but that's no the thing i really wanted to tell you i wanna tell you how it startred and it started with my two legs and i'm thinking now of a much more interesting resolution that'll be perfect for this year for me and it has something to do with those legs of mine so listen up now ready? so my resolution is that i'm gonna try harder to fly on my own not to touch the ground you know lift off like chriss angel cos he can no question and there's no invisible string or trick or something it is real magic so it might be the last time you can see my feet down on the ground. enjoy them!   
oh and hey andrew and you franklin sorry apple too your addresses please bye-bye

2011. január 1., szombat

My happy birthsday gift to my mum

today seems to be a busy day with lots of typing cos i've just realized that forgot to show you the gift i made to mum cos she had her birthsday yesterday a couple of hours before midnight and i sewed her a little pigglet pillow with a big button nose fasten to the middle. it's white and i outlined by a pink felttip pen and sewed the two parts together by using black thread and it is good to sleep with and for a warm hug. here you can see it in my mum's hand i think they look perfect together. happy birthsday mum and i love you too

The lucky ones

i've picked you lucky ones i wanted to pick more than only two but my dad said two was more than enough so there is only 2 but i am going to count my pocket money i've saved quite a lot of coins and even have some 1000 forint bills as well to spend on snailmailing so i'll give it a thought but now let me present the winner's list and to prove that there was no underhand work going on i took a photo too see here it is see no names only numbers
first i picked a post i mean two posts and they are number 56 that was my first pick and then came number 30. step two was to see which comments i have on those and picked one from each pile so you can see the pairs. the first winner comes from post 56 wich is no mailman allowed where he left the second comment that says Great story! and that was bookcrafty. winner 2 left a comment on post 30 which is Rare snapshots of my hungry doodle and she wrote Hi Lili, love your sweet little blog. xoxo - Kim. and kim has a real name too which is soggy dog studios! congratulations. and i don't forget you andrew who won my riddle contest you 3 gonna receive your parcels but first i'd have your addresses
oh and those who didn't get picked don't be sad you can try again next year but till then i drew this santa as a consolation prize of a kind to you and you can print it freely and write your names on it and stick it onto the wall for example and you can color it as well this is really a quick thing i created by artrage 2 on my mac and i think it's okay for a consolation prize